Academic Coach Service Goals
- Develop a personal and collaborative relationship with SNS students in academic recovery.
- Provide support to help SNS students relate academic/educational goals to life (personal/professional) goals.
- Encourage SNS students to achieve self-awareness, such as identifying strengths, values, interests, purpose, and passions.
- Promote SNS student responsibility and the development of good decision-making skills towards a successful university experience.
- Assist with developing plans of action and holding SNS students accountable to achieve substantial results.
Program Services
EXCEL! Academic Coaches can provide guidance and support with:
Time Management
Avoiding Procrastination
Transition to University Life
Campus Resources
Explain low GPA and its Consequences
How to Avoid Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal
How to Recover from Subject to Academic Dismissal or Academic Probation Standing
How to Transition back to UC Merced when returning from Educational Leave or being reinstated at the University.
Provide Bilingual services (Spanish)
It is unavoidable that combined personal, financial and academic challenges can be a struggle to overcome at times. It is the hope of the EXCEL! Program that in those times you are asking for guidance, additional resources, and direction that can keep you on track and on your way to achieving your academic goals.
UC Merced Undergraduate Student Outcomes
Self-Awareness and Self-Efficacy: Learn about the psychological and emotional readiness needed for academic success in college: mindfulness, mindset, resilience, maturity, emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivation, accountability, and responsibility. Cultivate effective and adaptable behaviors needed to navigate higher education. Identify and address the emotional, social, and academic barriers that can interfere with progression.
Skill Building: Identify and implement the academic skills necessary to be a successful college student: college-level reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, effective learning environment, test-taking strategies, learning strategies, memory techniques, and effective use of technological resources. Learn about balancing college academic demands, utilizing effective time management strategies, and preventing procrastination. Manage academic standing through grade tracking, calculating GPA, degree progression, and the academic impact on financial aid, scholarships, and other resources and programs.
Relationship Building/Use of Resources: Cultivate relationships with faculty, advisors, and other academic partners with effective communication skills. Connect with resources to help with the academic transition to the university, such as tutoring services, writing center, Accessibility Services and the STEM Center. Connect with resources to help with the mental, physical, and social transition to the university.
*Adapted from Southeastern Louisiana University, SE101 Fall 2018 Syllabus
What is Academic Coaching?
Although similar, conversations with an Academic Advisor may revolve around curriculum planning and promotion towards the degree completion progress, while Academic Success Coaches dive deeper to the "in-between" elements of higher education, such as: motivation, accountability, exploring options and providing individualized student support. As stated by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), "Academic Coaching is an advising approach that pushes the student to reflect and act on the range of goals, interests, and passions available in higher education."
What to expect in an Academic Coaching Session?
Academic success coaching sessions are meant for students to become aware of their academic situation and allow students to think critically of support plans to become academically successful. With the guidance of an academic success coach, topics may range from the following items, but are not limited to:
- Effective Time & Life Management
- Transition & Acclimation to University Life
- Connection to Campus Resources
- Explain Low GPA and its Consequences
- How to Avoid Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal
- How to recover from Subject to Academic Dismissal or Academic Probation Standing
- How to transition back to UC Merced when returning from an Educational Leave or being reinstated at the University.
How to prepare for an Academic Coaching session:
- Be prepared to talk about obstacles that are impeding your academic success
- Be able to identify patterns and areas of insufficiency/success
- Be willing to share ideas to build on options for academic success
- Be ready to become accountable for your actions and goals
Who are Academic Coaches?
Academic coaches work with students to help them bring out their academic best. Through one-on-one sessions, accountability awareness and strategic planning, academic coaches introduce students to techniques for managing time, studying effectively, building better habits, and much more.
Expectations of Students
It is expected that all UCM students adhere to all UC policies and procedures during their academic career on campus. It is expected that the student has the responsibility to reach out to all necessary individuals to include Professors, Tutors, Teaching Assistants, Peer Mentors, Academic Advisors, etc., in helping to maintain a successful academic career.
It is expected that all communications are performed via our UC Merced email system as the primary means of contact.
UC Merced Email Notification Policy
UC Merced Policy on the Use of Email for Official Communications with Students establishes email as a method for official communications from UC Merced to graduate, professional, and undergraduate students. School of Natural Sciences uses email as an official means to communicate with students on many important matters. Email is often the only way many of the important information is distributed. Please check your UC Merced email regularly. All students are responsible for knowing, and when relevant, acting on all contents we send you via email.