Reinstatement Information
Reinstatement is the act of restoring active-student status to former students who have:
- Formally withdrawn from the University
- Had a lapse of their student status for failure to pay fees, failure to satisfy the entry-level writing requirement, failure to enroll in future semesters, or failure to graduate
- Left the university in academic difficulty (Academic Probation, Subject to Dismissal, or Academically Dismissed).
Undergraduate students who wish to return to the University of California, Merced must file an application for Reinstatement with the Office of the Registrar. Please note deadlines are:
- Fall application period is Nov. — deadline is May 1
- Spring application period is May — deadline is Nov. 1
There are minimum academic requirements for UC Merced and for the School of Natural Sciences to fulfill to be eligible for Reinstatement. Fulfilling Reinstatement conditions does not guarantee Reinstatement. It only ensures that your petition will be considered.
Educational Leave Program
Any registered student on the UC Merced campus, undergraduate or graduate, is eligible to enroll in the Educational Leave Program, although restrictions may be imposed on the number of times a student can participate in the program. International students are not eligible. The maximum Educational Leave is one full academic year. Students who do not return by the specified semester will be automatically withdrawn from the University. On-campus residents must complete a Housing Contract Cancellation Request form.
While students may receive academic credit at other institutions and transfer this credit to UC Merced (subject to rules concerning transfer credit and School approval). Students should consult with their academic advisors and carefully evaluate the desirability of taking academic work while away from the campus during the Educational Leave Program. Students enrolled in Educational Leave Program are not eligible to enroll in concurrent courses at the UC Merced campus or to earn academic credit at UC Merced during the leave.
Students will not be eligible to receive normal university services during the leave. Certain limited services, however, such as career services and advising are available. Students on an Educational Leave are not eligible to apply for on-campus or off-campus jobs except during the summer prior to their return for the fall semester. Students on leave may elect to purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan for one term, but are not eligible to use the Student Health Center. UCM Library borrowing privileges may be retained by purchasing a library card.
The Educational Leave Program applications can be found here.